Happy Book Birthday to MOON CHOO-CHOO by Mona Voelkel!

Title: Moon Choo-Choo: A Tale of Imagination and Sibling Adventure

Author: Mona Voelkel

Illustrator: Nancy Kincade

Publisher: Arigna Press

Release Date: May 30, 2024 (National Creativity Day)

Format: Paperback, Hardcover, and eBook

Summary: Everybody, time to play. What should we pretend today?

Where will imagination take you?

Take a rollicking ride with Moon Choo-Choo and three siblings as they blast off on a journey of imagination. What will they play today? Will they be engineers? Astronauts? Their imagination powers up Moon Choo-Choo. They journey into space, have a lunar lunch, and, despite being low on fuel and threatened by asteroids, make it back home safely. 

Moon Choo-Choo, a 200-word rhyming picture book for ages 3-6, is a joyful celebration of sibling bonds and imaginative play.

Link to Teaching and Discussion Guide: https://issuu.com/monavoelkel/docs/moon_choo-choo_teachers_guide-3?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ

*Join Mona and Nancy for their 30 minute “First Read and Review Zoom Party” on May 30, 2024, at 7PM EST: https://forms.gle/ygMC9MntfzNVCnd69

Do you have a children’s picture book coming out soon? I’d love to wish it a Happy Book Birthday here on Frog on a Blog! For more information, CLICK HERE.

6 thoughts on “Happy Book Birthday to MOON CHOO-CHOO by Mona Voelkel!

  1. I love Moon Choo Choo!  Mona’s siblings love and support each other wherever and whatever adventure they may creatively dream up. Trains? Space? They are there for each other, always. And Nancy’s beautiful illustrations capture the innocence and joy children miraculously embody!


  2. tarjahelenanevala says:

    Happy MOON CHOO-CHOO book birthday! This lovely sibling story has launched! It will bring joy to many. Congrats Mona.


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