Picture Books At The Library

In my position as a technical processing assistant at the DeWitt Community Library, I catalog a lot of picture books. Unfortunately, I cannot review them all, but I do read them all and have assigned a 🙂 to my favorites. Below are a few I’ve cataloged recently. (Whenever possible, summaries have been taken directly from the books.)


🙂 When sugar snow falls, all the colors of the farm are brighter than ever against the crisp white fields!


🙂 When his brother refuses to come outside, a child plays by himself in the snow and creates an imaginary world.


🙂 It is Little Snow the rabbit’s first Christmas and after all the forest animals tell him about the animals’ Santa, he is excited to wake up on Christmas morning to find his own surprise.


🙂 One day there was a knock at the front door. Mr. Mo was gardening, so Mrs. Mo went to see who it might be…


How can there be a bear that’s not a bear, a hat that’s not a hat, or a ship that will never float or sink? This book is a guessing game for your brain. Have fun playing!


A young boy named Arto must move with his family from the chilly North that he loves to the hot South that he’s sure he will hate.


Here are ten thrilling ways to start counting that will have you laughing and learning all the way up to 10, 20, 30, 40…100 and beyond.

4 thoughts on “Picture Books At The Library

  1. Amie Lout says:

    We frequent the Library…why not?! Mine kiddos are not as into pic books as much, they like a story that they can read and look. We are into McBoop’s Whiny Whiny Rhino at the moment. A lot of moments actually. 🙂 http://www.whinyrhino.com is its site. A great read with a good message, can’t go wrong with that! They have favs at the Library too, we tend to be picking out the same ones more often.


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