Reminder: Check It Out!

Did you know that the library is a treasure chest? It’s a treasure chest filled with precious gems. My favorite gems are the picture books, of course. 

The library is also a garden filled with beautiful, sweet-scented flowers. My favorite flowers are, you guessed it, the picture books.

But did you also know that if you don’t check the picture books out from the library, they will be weeded from the collection?! It’s not enough to just go hang out in the children’s room, pick a bunch of books off the shelves, and then sit down and read them (though that’s very nice). If you want your favorite book to remain part of your library’s collection, then you must check it out. If you want all your beloved titles to be on the library’s shelves for years to come, available to countless children, check them out, check them out often.

Because the library where I work has limited space, books (and other items) are weeded out often to make room for new books. Recently, many wonderful picture books were pulled and put in the large book sale we had over the weekend. It breaks my heart to see them go. My only consolation is that most of them sold and so will have a second life, so to speak.

I’d love the books to remain a part of our collection. And if we had more room, we could keep them longer. But circulation stats count, meaning if they don’t circulate (get checked out), they get pulled.

So if you have a favorite picture book at your library: Check It Out!

Picture Books At The Library

In my position as a technical processing assistant at the DeWitt Community Library, I catalog a lot of picture books. Unfortunately, I cannot review them all, but I do read them all and have assigned a 🙂 to my favorites. Below are a few I’ve cataloged recently. (Whenever possible, summaries have been taken directly from the books.)


🙂 When sugar snow falls, all the colors of the farm are brighter than ever against the crisp white fields!


🙂 When his brother refuses to come outside, a child plays by himself in the snow and creates an imaginary world.


🙂 It is Little Snow the rabbit’s first Christmas and after all the forest animals tell him about the animals’ Santa, he is excited to wake up on Christmas morning to find his own surprise.


🙂 One day there was a knock at the front door. Mr. Mo was gardening, so Mrs. Mo went to see who it might be…


How can there be a bear that’s not a bear, a hat that’s not a hat, or a ship that will never float or sink? This book is a guessing game for your brain. Have fun playing!


A young boy named Arto must move with his family from the chilly North that he loves to the hot South that he’s sure he will hate.


Here are ten thrilling ways to start counting that will have you laughing and learning all the way up to 10, 20, 30, 40…100 and beyond.

Picture Books At The Library

In my position as a technical processing assistant at the DeWitt Community Library, I catalog a lot of picture books. Here are a few I’ve cataloged recently:

(Whenever possible, summaries have been taken directly from the books.)

In this story (told in the form of a television broadcast), bears emerge from hibernation demanding to be fed.

Circles, rectangles, ovals, arcs, and more have fun moving about, along with a mischievous mouse that wants to play too.

Readers young and old will get lost in the loving details of each illustration, and the warmth of the simple pleasures that surround us all.

Join one lucky little girl as she learns the recipe for making the perfect story.

🙂 When frightened animals squeeze into Noah’s bed during a storm, causing the Ark to tip, Noah soothes the beasts with a lullaby.

When three cats find themselves homeless in an alley, they form a singing group with the hope that they will earn the love they need.

🙂 From the great expanse of the darkening sky filled with stars, to the softening sounds of city and farm quieting down for the night, the perspective comes closer to reveal the end of day at home and then the child snuggling into bed.

Ping and Pong are friends, even though they like to do different things.

When Cat is accidentally whisked away in a fish van, her litter of kittens are left to fend for themselves.

Picture Books At The Library

You may know, I work at the DeWitt Community Library. I’m a Library Assistant, or more specifically, I’m a Technical Processing Assistant. I do cataloging, acquisitions, and circulation. One of my favorite things to do at work is catalog all the new picture books. 

I enjoy seeing all the new picture books so much that I want to share the joy with you. So periodically, here on Frog, I will showcase some of the wonderful new picture books that patiently wait their turn on my desk to be cataloged and then sent off to the children’s room to be picked up and read by children and caregivers (who will love the books so much they must take them home and read them again). 

As always, stay tuned!